Manual technical 1

Moving Average

Meaning:Making you feel strong emotions,especially sadness or sympathy(Longman Dictionary).
Root = move:
To change from one place or position to another or to make something do this.

1-The average amount is the amount you get when you add together several quantities and devide this by the total number of quantities.
2-An average amount or quantity is not unusually big or small.


  1. Simple Moving Average
  2. Cumulative Moving Average
  3. Weighted Moving Average
  4. Exponential Moving Average
Simple Moving Average
The word origin for moving average is "plain/uncomplicated".From latin meaning simplus.Sim = one,plus = multiple by.
Cumulative Moving Average

Cumulative from latin meaning pile,mass.

Weighted Moving Average

Exponential Moving Average

Forex introduction

Firstly,the meaning of forex is a foreign exchange market.Forex also can call FX.Forex was devide by 3.

Foreign...From latin>>forein/foris<< meaning is outside....From or relating to a country that is not your own(Longman dictionary)

Exchange...The act of giving someone something and receiving something else from them(Longman Dictionary).

Market...From Latin>>Mercatus(buying and selling)/mercari(to buy and sell)/merx(things to sell)

So,Forex is a activity where we do to buy or sell something(currency) from others country.